Convert Format

import json
import logging
import numpy as np

from typing import List, Dict, Union, Tuple
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
from .metric import select_start_position, compute_unified_micro_f1
from ..input_engineering.input_utils import (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


Get the predicted event type or argument role for each mention via the predictions of different paradigms. The predictions of Sequence Labeling, Seq2Seq, MRC paradigms are not aligned to each word. We need to convert the paradigm-dependent predictions to word-level for the unified evaluation. This function is designed to get the prediction for each single mention, given the paradigm-dependent predictions.


  • pos_start: The start position of the mention in the sequence of tokens.

  • pos_end: The end position of the mention in the sequence of tokens.

  • preds: The predictions of the sequence of tokens.

  • id2label: A dictionary that contains the mapping from id to textual label.

  • label: The ground truth label of the input mention.

  • label2id: A dictionary that contains the mapping from textual label to id.

  • text: The text of the input context.

  • paradigm: A string that indicates the paradigm.


  • A string which represents the predicted label.

def get_pred_per_mention(pos_start: int,
                         pos_end: int,
                         preds: List[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]],
                         id2label: Dict[int, str] = None,
                         label: str = None,
                         label2id: Dict[str, int] = None,
                         text: str = None,
                         paradigm: str = "sl") -> str:
    """Get the predicted event type or argument role for each mention via the predictions of different paradigms.
    The predictions of Sequence Labeling, Seq2Seq, MRC paradigms are not aligned to each word. We need to convert the
    paradigm-dependent predictions to word-level for the unified evaluation. This function is designed to get the
    prediction for each single mention, given the paradigm-dependent predictions.
        pos_start (`int`):
            The start position of the mention in the sequence of tokens.
        pos_end (`int`):
            The end position of the mention in the sequence of tokens.
        preds (`List[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]]`):
            The predictions of the sequence of tokens.
        id2label (`Dict[int, str]`):
            A dictionary that contains the mapping from id to textual label.
        label (`str`):
            The ground truth label of the input mention.
        label2id (`Dict[str, int]`):
            A dictionary that contains the mapping from textual label to id.
        text (`str`):
            The text of the input context.
        paradigm (`str`):
            A string that indicates the paradigm.
        A string which represents the predicted label.
    if paradigm == "sl":
        # sequence labeling paradigm
        if pos_start == pos_end or\
                pos_end > len(preds) or \
                id2label[int(preds[pos_start])] == "O" or \
                id2label[int(preds[pos_start])].split("-")[0] != "B":
            return "NA"

        predictions = set()
        for pos in range(pos_start, pos_end):
            _pred = id2label[int(preds[pos])][2:]

        if len(predictions) > 1:
            return "NA"
            return list(predictions)[0]

    elif paradigm == "s2s":
        # seq2seq paradigm
        predictions = []
        word = text[pos_start: pos_end]
        for i, pred in enumerate(preds):
            if pred[0] == word:
                if pred[1] in label2id:
                    pred_label = pred[1]
        if label in predictions:
            pred_label = label
            pred_label = predictions[0] if predictions else "NA"

        # remove the prediction that has been used for a specific mention.
        if (word, pred_label) in preds:
            preds.remove((word, pred_label))

        return pred_label

    elif paradigm == "mrc":
        # mrc paradigm
        predictions = []
        for pred in preds:
            if pred[1] == (pos_start, pos_end - 1):
                pred_role = pred[0].split("_")[-1]

        if label in predictions:
            return label
            return predictions[0] if predictions else "NA"
        raise NotImplementedError


Obtains the event detection prediction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the sequence labeling paradigm, predicting the labels and calculating the micro F1 score based on the predictions and labels.


  • preds: A list of strings indicating the predicted types of the instances.

  • labels: A list of strings indicating the actual labels of the instances.

  • data_file: A string indicating the path of the testing data file.

  • data_args: The pre-defined arguments for data processing.


  • results: A list of strings indicating the prediction results of event triggers.

def get_trigger_detection_sl(preds: np.array,
                                     labels: np.array,
                                     data_file: str,
                                     is_overflow) -> List[str]:
    """Obtains the event detection prediction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the sequence labeling paradigm.
    Obtains the event detection prediction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the sequence labeling paradigm,
    predicting the labels and calculating the micro F1 score based on the predictions and labels.
        preds (`np.array`):
            A list of strings indicating the predicted types of the instances.
        labels (`np.array`):
            A list of strings indicating the actual labels of the instances.
        data_file (`str`):
            A string indicating the path of the testing data file.
            The pre-defined arguments for data processing.
        results (`List[str]`):
            A list of strings indicating the prediction results of event triggers.
    # get per-word predictions
    preds, labels = select_start_position(preds, labels, False)
    results = []
    label_names = []
    language = data_args.language

    with open(data_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
            item = json.loads(line.strip())

            if not is_overflow[i]:
                check_pred_len(pred=preds[i], item=item, language=language)

            candidates, label_names_per_item = get_ed_candidates(item=item)

            # loop for converting
            for candidate in candidates:
                left_pos, right_pos = get_left_and_right_pos(text=item["text"], trigger=candidate, language=language)
                pred = get_pred_per_mention(left_pos, right_pos, preds[i], data_args.id2type)

    if "events" in item:
        micro_f1 = compute_unified_micro_f1(label_names=label_names, results=results)"{} test performance after converting: {}".format(data_args.dataset_name, micro_f1))

    return results


Obtains the event argument extraction prediction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the sequence labeling paradigm, predicting the labels of entities and negative triggers and calculating the micro F1 score based on the predictions and labels.


  • preds: A list of strings indicating the predicted types of the instances.

  • labels: A list of strings indicating the actual labels of the instances.

  • data_file: A string indicating the path of the testing data file.

  • data_args: The pre-defined arguments for data processing.


  • results: A list of strings indicating the prediction results of event arguments.

def get_argument_extraction_sl(preds: np.array,
                                       labels: np.array,
                                       data_file: str,
                                       is_overflow) -> List[str]:
    """Obtains the event argument extraction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the sequence labeling paradigm.
    Obtains the event argument extraction prediction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the sequence labeling
    paradigm, predicting the labels of entities and negative triggers and calculating the micro F1 score based on the
    predictions and labels.
        preds (`np.array`):
            A list of strings indicating the predicted types of the instances.
        labels (`np.array`):
            A list of strings indicating the actual labels of the instances.
        data_file (`str`):
            A string indicating the path of the testing data file.
            The pre-defined arguments for data processing.
        results (`List[str]`):
            A list of strings indicating the prediction results of event arguments.
    # evaluation mode
    eval_mode = data_args.eae_eval_mode
    language = data_args.language
    golden_trigger = data_args.golden_trigger

    # pred events
    event_preds = get_event_preds(pred_file=data_args.test_pred_file)

    # get per-word predictions
    preds, labels = select_start_position(preds, labels, False)
    results = []
    label_names = []
    with open(data_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        trigger_idx = 0
        eae_instance_idx = 0
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            item = json.loads(line.strip())
            text = item["text"]
            for event in item["events"]:
                for trigger in event["triggers"]:
                    true_type = event["type"]
                    pred_type = true_type if golden_trigger or event_preds is None else event_preds[trigger_idx]
                    trigger_idx += 1

                    if eval_mode in ['default', 'loose']:
                        if pred_type == "NA":

                    if not is_overflow[eae_instance_idx]:
                        check_pred_len(pred=preds[eae_instance_idx], item=item, language=language)

                    candidates, label_names_per_trigger = get_eae_candidates(item=item, trigger=trigger)

                    # loop for converting
                    for candi in candidates:
                        if true_type == pred_type:
                            # get word positions
                            left_pos, right_pos = get_left_and_right_pos(text=text, trigger=candi, language=language)
                            # get predictions
                            pred = get_pred_per_mention(left_pos, right_pos, preds[eae_instance_idx], data_args.id2role)
                            pred = "NA"
                        # record results
                    eae_instance_idx += 1

            # negative triggers
            for trigger in item["negative_triggers"]:
                true_type = "NA"
                pred_type = true_type if golden_trigger or event_preds is None else event_preds[trigger_idx]
                trigger_idx += 1

                if eval_mode in ['default', 'strict']:  # loose mode has no neg
                    if pred_type != "NA":
                        if not is_overflow[eae_instance_idx]:
                            check_pred_len(pred=preds[eae_instance_idx], item=item, language=language)

                        candidates, label_names_per_trigger = get_eae_candidates(item=item, trigger=trigger)

                        # loop for converting
                        for candi in candidates:
                            # get word positions
                            left_pos, right_pos = get_left_and_right_pos(text=text, trigger=candi, language=language)
                            # get predictions
                            pred = get_pred_per_mention(left_pos, right_pos, preds[eae_instance_idx], data_args.id2role)
                            # record results

                        eae_instance_idx += 1

        assert len(preds) == eae_instance_idx

    pos_labels = list(set(label_names))
    micro_f1 = f1_score(label_names, results, labels=pos_labels, average="micro") * 100.0'Number of Instances: {}'.format(eae_instance_idx))"{} test performance after converting: {}".format(data_args.dataset_name, micro_f1))
    return results


Obtains the event argument extraction prediction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the MRC paradigm, predicting the labels of entities and negative triggers and calculating the micro F1 score based on the predictions and labels.


  • preds: A list of strings indicating the predicted types of the instances.

  • labels: A list of strings indicating the actual labels of the instances.

  • data_file: A string indicating the path of the testing data file.

  • data_args: The pre-defined arguments for data processing.


  • results: A list of strings indicating the prediction results of event arguments.

def get_argument_extraction_mrc(preds, labels, data_file, data_args, is_overflow):
    """Obtains the event argument extraction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the MRC paradigm.
    Obtains the event argument extraction prediction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the MRC paradigm,
    predicting the labels of entities and negative triggers and calculating the micro F1 score based on the
    predictions and labels.
        preds (`np.array`):
            A list of strings indicating the predicted types of the instances.
        labels (`np.array`):
            A list of strings indicating the actual labels of the instances.
        data_file (`str`):
            A string indicating the path of the testing data file.
            The pre-defined arguments for data processing.
        results (`List[str]`):
            A list of strings indicating the prediction results of event arguments.

    # evaluation mode
    eval_mode = data_args.eae_eval_mode
    golden_trigger = data_args.golden_trigger
    language = data_args.language

    # pred events
    event_preds = get_event_preds(pred_file=data_args.test_pred_file)

    # get per-word predictions
    results = []
    all_labels = []
    with open(data_args.test_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        trigger_idx = 0
        eae_instance_idx = 0
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            item = json.loads(line.strip())
            text = item["text"]

            # preds per index
            preds_per_idx = []
            for pred in preds:
                if pred[-1] == trigger_idx:

            for event in item["events"]:
                for trigger in event["triggers"]:
                    true_type = event["type"]
                    pred_type = true_type if golden_trigger or event_preds is None else event_preds[trigger_idx]
                    trigger_idx += 1

                    if eval_mode in ['default', 'loose']:
                        if pred_type == "NA":

                    # get candidates
                    candidates, labels_per_idx = get_eae_candidates(item, trigger)

                    # loop for converting
                    for cid, candi in enumerate(candidates):
                        label = labels_per_idx[cid]
                        if pred_type == true_type:
                            # get word positions
                            left_pos, right_pos = get_left_and_right_pos(text=text, trigger=candi, language=language)
                            # get predictions
                            pred_role = get_pred_per_mention(pos_start=left_pos, pos_end=right_pos, preds=preds_per_idx,
                                                             label=label, paradigm='mrc')
                            pred_role = "NA"
                        # record results
                    eae_instance_idx += 1

            # negative triggers
            for trigger in item["negative_triggers"]:
                true_type = "NA"
                pred_type = true_type if golden_trigger or event_preds is None else event_preds[trigger_idx]
                trigger_idx += 1

                if eval_mode in ['default', 'strict']:  # loose mode has no neg
                    if pred_type != "NA":
                        # get candidates
                        candidates, labels_per_idx = get_eae_candidates(item, trigger)

                        # loop for converting
                        for candi in candidates:
                            label = "NA"
                            # get word positions
                            left_pos, right_pos = get_left_and_right_pos(text=text, trigger=candi, language=language)
                            # get predictions
                            pred_role = get_pred_per_mention(pos_start=left_pos, pos_end=right_pos, preds=preds_per_idx,
                                                             label=label, paradigm='mrc')
                            # record results

                        eae_instance_idx += 1

    pos_labels = list(data_args.role2id.keys())
    micro_f1 = f1_score(all_labels, results, labels=pos_labels, average="micro") * 100.0'Number of Instances: {}'.format(eae_instance_idx))"{} test performance after converting: {}".format(data_args.dataset_name, micro_f1))
    return results


Obtains the event detection prediction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the Seq2Seq paradigm, predicting the labels and calculating the micro F1 score based on the predictions and labels.


  • preds: A list of strings indicating the predicted types of the instances.

  • labels: A list of strings indicating the actual labels of the instances.

  • data_file: A string indicating the path of the testing data file.

  • data_args: The pre-defined arguments for data processing.


  • results: A list of strings indicating the prediction results of event triggers.

def get_trigger_detection_s2s(preds, labels, data_file, data_args, is_overflow):
    """Obtains the event detection prediction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the Seq2Seq paradigm.
    Obtains the event detection prediction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the Seq2Seq paradigm,
    predicting the labels and calculating the micro F1 score based on the predictions and labels.
        preds (`np.array`):
            A list of strings indicating the predicted types of the instances.
        labels (`np.array`):
            A list of strings indicating the actual labels of the instances.
        data_file (`str`):
            A string indicating the path of the testing data file.
            The pre-defined arguments for data processing.
        results (`List[str]`):
            A list of strings indicating the prediction results of event triggers.
    # get per-word predictions
    results = []
    label_names = []
    with open(data_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
            item = json.loads(line.strip())
            text = item["text"]
            preds_per_idx = preds[idx]

            candidates, labels_per_item = get_ed_candidates(item=item)
            for i, label in enumerate(labels_per_item):
                labels_per_item[i] = get_plain_label(label)

            # loop for converting
            for cid, candidate in enumerate(candidates):
                label = labels_per_item[cid]
                # get word positions
                left_pos, right_pos = candidate["position"]
                # get predictions
                pred_type = get_pred_per_mention(pos_start=left_pos, pos_end=right_pos, preds=preds_per_idx, text=text,
                                                 label=label, label2id=data_args.type2id, paradigm='s2s')
                # record results

    if "events" in item:
        micro_f1 = compute_unified_micro_f1(label_names=label_names, results=results)"{} test performance after converting: {}".format(data_args.dataset_name, micro_f1))

    return results


Obtains the event argument extraction prediction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the Seq2Seq paradigm, predicting the labels of entities and negative triggers and calculating the micro F1 score based on the predictions and labels.


  • preds: A list of strings indicating the predicted types of the instances.

  • labels: A list of strings indicating the actual labels of the instances.

  • data_file: A string indicating the path of the testing data file.

  • data_args: The pre-defined arguments for data processing.


  • results: A list of strings indicating the prediction results of event arguments.

def get_argument_extraction_s2s(preds, labels, data_file, data_args, is_overflow):
    """Obtains the event argument extraction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the Seq2Seq paradigm.
    Obtains the event argument extraction prediction results of the ACE2005 dataset based on the Seq2Seq paradigm,
    predicting the labels of entities and negative triggers and calculating the micro F1 score based on the
    predictions and labels.
        preds (`np.array`):
            A list of strings indicating the predicted types of the instances.
        labels (`np.array`):
            A list of strings indicating the actual labels of the instances.
        data_file (`str`):
            A string indicating the path of the testing data file.
            The pre-defined arguments for data processing.
        results (`List[str]`):
            A list of strings indicating the prediction results of event arguments.

    # evaluation mode
    eval_mode = data_args.eae_eval_mode
    golden_trigger = data_args.golden_trigger

    # pred events
    event_preds = get_event_preds(pred_file=data_args.test_pred_file)

    # get per-word predictions
    results = []
    all_labels = []
    with open(data_args.test_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        trigger_idx = 0
        eae_instance_idx = 0
        lines = f.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            item = json.loads(line.strip())
            text = item["text"]

            for event in item["events"]:
                for trigger in event["triggers"]:
                    true_type = event["type"]
                    pred_type = true_type if golden_trigger or event_preds is None else event_preds[trigger_idx]
                    trigger_idx += 1

                    if eval_mode in ['default', 'loose']:
                        if pred_type == "NA":

                    # preds per index
                    preds_per_idx = preds[eae_instance_idx]
                    # get candidates
                    candidates, labels_per_idx = get_eae_candidates(item, trigger)
                    for i, label in enumerate(labels_per_idx):
                        labels_per_idx[i] = get_plain_label(label)

                    # loop for converting
                    for cid, candidate in enumerate(candidates):
                        label = labels_per_idx[cid]
                        if pred_type == true_type:
                            # get word positions
                            left_pos, right_pos = candidate["position"]
                            # get predictions
                            pred_role = get_pred_per_mention(pos_start=left_pos, pos_end=right_pos, preds=preds_per_idx,
                                                             text=text, label=label, label2id=data_args.role2id,
                            pred_role = "NA"
                        # record results
                    eae_instance_idx += 1

            # negative triggers
            for trigger in item["negative_triggers"]:
                true_type = "NA"
                pred_type = true_type if golden_trigger or event_preds is None else event_preds[trigger_idx]
                trigger_idx += 1

                if eval_mode in ['default', 'strict']:  # loose mode has no neg
                    if pred_type != "NA":
                        # preds per index
                        preds_per_idx = preds[eae_instance_idx]

                        # get candidates
                        candidates, labels_per_idx = get_eae_candidates(item, trigger)
                        for i, label in enumerate(labels_per_idx):
                            labels_per_idx[i] = get_plain_label(label)

                        # loop for converting
                        for cid, candidate in enumerate(candidates):
                            label = labels_per_idx[cid]
                            # get word positions
                            left_pos, right_pos = candidate["position"]
                            # get predictions
                            pred_role = get_pred_per_mention(pos_start=left_pos, pos_end=right_pos, preds=preds_per_idx,
                                                             text=text, label=label, label2id=data_args.role2id,
                            # record results

                        eae_instance_idx += 1

        assert len(preds) == eae_instance_idx

    pos_labels = list(data_args.role2id.keys())
    micro_f1 = f1_score(all_labels, results, labels=pos_labels, average="micro") * 100.0"Number of Instances: {}".format(eae_instance_idx))"{} test performance after converting: {}".format(data_args.dataset_name, micro_f1))
    return results